Monday, January 26, 2009

Some fun stuff...

Well this is me at 24 weeks. I can't believe how much my belly has expanded in the past couple of weeks! Seems like it's gotten twice as big haha. But anyway I am loving every minute of it...thus far..hehe! Zoey has been very active lately. She's been kicking, punching, elbowing me a lot! It's a pretty cool feeling :) She must be starting gymnastics early haha.

I got her crib the other day. I was gonna wait and have someone help me put it together, but i was bored and it was just sittin in her room calling my name to be put I did it! It only took me like 30 minutes and it's all nice and sturdy and I love it! Here is the finished product :)

I must say that I was impressed with my skills in putting together a crib! I didn't even hurt myself! Didn't think I had it in me haha. Now I need the crib bedding set and it will look so cute! Baby showers are coming up so we'll see...I can't wait!
So a couple of weeks ago I bought the coolest thing. It's a prenatal heart listener where I can listen to zoey's heartbeat, listen to her kick, and hear her hiccup! Up until now I haven't been able to hear much of anything but I tried it again yesterday and today and I am able to hear things now! It is just the coolest thing :) I enjoy it!

1 comment:

Amy said...

good job putting the crib together, it looks great! You do look like you've gotten bigger in the past couple weeks...I hope that's not an indication for I'm happy you're a little farther along than me that way I kind of know what to expect! Let's just hope you have Zoey before I have my two. Darn I wish I could say their names...2 more days, hopefully!