Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sweet lil things...

So Jake and I were in Temple last weekend looking around at Academy and we happened to walk by these adorable little camoflauge shoes! Now we don't know if we're having a boy or a girl yet but we HAD to get them because they were so darn cute...and as Jake says camoflauge. He told me it didn't matter if we were having a little Zoey or a little Hunter because regardless our little boy or girl will be chillin in these cute little boots!
We have an appointment Dec 11 to find out the exciting! I had such a time at Darnell yesterday. Since Jake will be leaving around Dec 15 I wanted to get an ultrasound in before he left so he could see our baby and know whether it was a boy or girl. Well the appointment maker guy was really rude to me and confusing me so bad that I started crying because he just wasn't understanding what I needed and he wasn't helping me at all. Well Jake HATES it when I'm upset so he's trying to figure out what's going on and then like 3 nurses saw me upset and were trying to calm me down...ok so I wasn't crying that bad. But they were all so nice to me and helped me so much! Eventually we got it all straightened out and luckily got an ultrasound scheduled like 3 days before Jake leaves so I was really happy when I left. AND we got to hear the heartbeat and it sounded so cool!! The dr said it sounded really healthy so that put my mind at ease seeing as we couldn't see the baby on ultrasound just got to hear the heart. At least I have one picture for now :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ahh those are so cute! You are so much better than me. I found the cutest little girl Ug things and I just love them but I haven't let myself get them yet just because I don't want to torture myself if I can't use them!
I'm glad they straightened your appt out for you. That would have made me really angry!